Emory is an absolute blast these days. I feel like I spend half my time saying “look at Emory” or “watch what Emory can do.” She is hilarious and her personality is really starting to show. It’s amazing to me how different her personality is from Liberty’s when she was the same age. I wonder what Emory will be like when she is six. I don’t thing she is going to be laid back like Liberty. She already has such a fiery spirit and is determined to get her way.
These days she is all about being a big girl. She is such a copycat and wants to do whatever we are doing. She gets so upset if she feels she is being left out. If she discovers that she can do something that will make you laugh, she will do it over and over again. One of my favorite things that she has started to mimic is patting us on the back when she hugs us. She usually does this to Scott when he gets home from work. She gets so excited and lays her head on his shoulder and pats him on the back. So sweet. She has also started doing this with her babies. She also likes to “talk” on the phone and comb her own hair. All things she regularly sees us doing. She also loves to draw, which Liberty does all the time. What cracks me up is that she almost always holds her pencil, crayon, or marker correctly! I definitely don’t remember Liberty being interested in drawing this early. She hasn’t decided which hand she prefers to draw with and switches back and forth frequently.
So excited to have a pencil and my journal.
I like this one. It looks like she is really concentrating on a masterpiece =).
She loves to play. She just follows Liberty around and loves it when Liberty plays on the floor with her. I have rearranged Liberty’s room so Emory can go in there anytime she wants and she loves it.She is into everything. I finally had to get a baby gate for the kitchen because the regularly likes to empty my cabinets and the contents of various boxes. The other day we found her in a giant pile of fettuccine. She was so proud of emptying the box that I couldn’t be mad at her. She scooted to the kitchen door and pointed back to the mess trying to show everyone what she had done.
She also likes to take all the movies off the shelves…and the cd’s…and the books…and the puzzles. There is just no way to baby proof everything she gets into. Not in a house this small anyway. I don’t know where I would put everything.
This is her universal gesture for everything. She started doing it when I would hold up my hands like that and say “Where is Daddy?” Then she just started doing it all the time. We aren’t sure what she means when she does it, but its so stinking cute. It must mean a variety of things to her or maybe she knows it will make us smile. I love it. Just about everything she does makes me smile.
She loves to throw things in the trash…or the toilet…or my purse. I just now found her standing at the bathtub where she had thrown Liberty’s shoe, a marker, a hair brush, and her sippy cup all inside. It isn’t uncommon to find our clothes in the trash where she has picked them up off the floor and “put them away.” One of her favorite places to put things in in the bottom drawer of Scott’s dresser. If I am missing a flip flop, I can almost guarantee Emory has put it in that drawer.
She loves being thrown in the air.
She loves sharing popsicles with her sister.
She is still eating really well and transitioned no problem to whole milk. Surprisingly she is still only about 20lbs. Her roundness makes her appear larger than the really is =).
She takes two naps a day and usually goes down no problem. Getting her to bed for the night is still challenging and she wakes up frequently throughout the night. She usually ends up in bed with us around 4 a.m.
She still isn’t talking although she attempts to say “Bye, Bye” which typically sounds like “Da, Da” and she also tries to say “Hello” when she’s talking on her phone, but it sounds like “Ah, Ah.”
She is still scooting around on her bottom. She seems perfectly content not to walk at all right now. Although she is now proficient at pulling up, she is showing no signs of taking steps. She doesn’t even like it when we hold her hands and walk with her.
She is the best and I adore her.
She is such a cutie pie! I can't believe she holds her markers and crayons so perfectly!